Growth Hormone (HGH) and Weight Loss
By Lisa Wells, RN
Restoring growth hormone to a more healthy level can be a very good fat loss aid, especially for those who have found that the older they get the harder it is to lose fat. They may have been thin during their younger years but slowly, as the years add up, the amount of fat increases.
Unfortunately, an increase in fat and a decrease in lean muscle is considered a normal part of the aging process by many in modern mainstream medicine.
We know that our growth hormone release decreases as we age, and there is strong evidence that shows low amounts of HGH to be directly related to increased fat and decreased lean muscle.
Both growth hormone and IGF-1 are important to the fat burning ability of the body. As we age our metabolism slows down. Restoring HGH can improve metabolism and can help the body to better metabolize the fat. HGH also improves glucose metabolism and helps to build lean, healthy muscle, and more lean muscle means we can more easily burn the fat.
HGH researchers and scientists say that human growth hormone therapy may be one of the most effective fat loss therapies ever discovered.
Dieting When Taking HGH Therapy
As stated, improving the body's human growth hormone to a healthier level has been found to decrease fat and restore lean muscle. In fact, weight loss is one of the more popular benefits those taking HGH products are hoping to see. I believe that in order to see the best benefits we should also take a good multivitamin, multimineral and I believe it is very important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Generally, it is best to eat every four to five hours and the last meal of the day should be eaten at least four hours before sleep.
Those taking HGH products should not be on a long term very low calorie weight loss diet. The reason is because growth hormone helps with weight loss by improving metabolism, by building more lean muscle, and by balancing hormones in the body; all these improvements require nutrients and fuel (calories). I recommend a diet that is adequate in protein, complex carbs, and essential fatty acids, and is low in simple carbs. Of course all my recommendations are in general and should not take the place of one's own private healthcare provider's recommendations.
I have known some clients who started taking our growth hormone supplement and one of their top priorities was to lose fat, but after one month they had not lost much fat. Upon questioning them I found that during that month they were also on a weight loss diet that was so low in calories and nutrients that it barely provided them with enough energy to get through their day; they certainly were not receiving enough calories to provide the extra energy that healing and building lean muscle requires.
Severe calorie restriction can trigger the body's own survival mode called the starvation reflex. When this happens the metabolism is slowed in order to conserve calories, and if the body still does not have enough calories to provide the required energy it may even burn muscle and keep the fat on reserve. As stated this is a natural defense mechanism that the body uses to try to survive.
Some people have lost fat initially by being on very low calorie and/or very low carb diets, however, they are usually not able to stay on those diets, and when they begin eating normally again, their body may have already learned that it may be deprived of calories again in the future, and so it may store even more fat than before, preparing for the next low calorie diet.
Dieting in such a fashion can have a negative effect on the benefits seen with any HGH therapy. A better way to eat would be to eat several small and balanced meals per day. If we eat every few hours during the day then the body will become used to having its fuel replenished frequently and so it will not be afraid to burn its fat stores.
Eating correctly surely helps to stabilize weight, however, unfortunately, as we age we lose lean muscle and that muscle is usually replaced by fat.
Even if we eat all the right foods and we exercise exactly as we should we will still lose a certain amount of lean muscle every year due to the aging process. This has been found to be brought about in large part by the decline of hormones. That is a major reason why improving growth hormone back to a younger and healthier level can help with fat loss.
When the hormones are replenished the metabolism is improved and the body is better able to build lean muscle to burn the fat, however, the body still needs to be supplied with the building blocks it needs to build the lean muscle and repair the other effects of aging.
I would like to mention that growth hormone is not the only hormone that decreases with age. DHEA, thyroid hormones, and the gonad hormones also play important roles in metabolism, the muscle/fat ratio, and the aging process. Improving HGH has been found to have a positive effect on other hormones in the body, and for those who wish to see the best health and anti-aging benefits there are over-the-counter (OTC) supplements and prescription medications that can address those other hormones.
Of course activity also helps with fat loss. Studies have shown that human growth hormone helps to increase energy and stamina and improve mood, and so should help to improve exercise and workouts. HGH has also been found to be very good at enhancing positive thinking, and so the person may likely become more motivated and success oriented.
Short Term Fasting
Clinical studies have shown that short term fasting can stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone. However, the goal is to fast enough to stimulate growth hormone but not enough to trigger the starvation reflex.
Some specialists recommend those interested in fasting begin by fasting one day every two weeks and if tolerated well they may try fasting one day every week. Dr. Roy Walford used a fasting schedule of two days per week so there are varying opinions as to the best way to fast.
In closing I would like to again state that I always recommend everyone consult their private healthcare provider. The information provided in this article is not meant to take the place of the advice of one's own private healthcare provider, nutritionist, or dietitian.
HGH and Weight Loss Questions and Answers
The HGH product I recommend for weight loss is HGH Plus IGF-1 & IGF-2. I believe it is the best on the market because it contains the HGH formula that was shown to be most effective in independent randomized double-blind placebo-controlled IGF-1 clinical studies that measured the increase of HGH in patients over a five month period. The five months is important because it showed that our homeopathic product can be effective longer than the usual three months of amino acid oral products.
The amino acid products of which I speak are the pill, capsule, tablet, and powder products that are swallowed and digested in the stomach. They are made up of amino acids, vitamins, and/or herbs. They contain no form of growth hormone.
You won't find any independent clinical studies done on these types of products over a period of time because it is known that the pituitary gland tends to become resistant to high doses of amino acids stimulating growth hormone release within one to three months. This should not happen with homeopathic HGH.
Growth hormone reduces weight by increasing or restoring lean muscle which burns the fat, and by improving the metabolism. These benefits will require more than one to three months to achieve optimal benefits, so those who are wanting to lose weight will need a product that works longer than three months. We have clients who have been taking our HGH Plus product for over 10 years because they are still receiving benefits.
Question: A growth hormone that reduces body fat? Sounds weird to me!
I found it on the internet, a growth hormone product that reduces the body fat.
It sounds weird to me because the growth hormone should increase the body fat so that the body becomes bigger, right?
Answer: HGH helps to get rid of the fat while increasing lean muscle. It changes the fat to muscle ratio. A person who wants to get bigger, such as a bodybuilder, usually wants more muscle, not more fat and that is where growth hormone can help.
Even those who do not wish to obtain large muscles, like women, usually wish to firm up and become more shapely rather than be soft and flabby due to fat and HGH helps that.
*If you can't find the answer to your questions please find Customer Service in the top menu and send in your questions. I will do my best to answer them for you.
Additional Reading
HGH Shown to Decrease Fat and Increase Muscle
HGH Shown to Increase Athletic Performance
How HGH May Affect Thyroid Function
Complete List of HGH, Anti-Aging, and Health Articles by Lisa Wells, RN
Klatz, Ronald, Grow Young With HGH, HarperPerennial, 1997.
Walford, Roy L, "The 120 Year Diet: How to Double Your Vital Years," Simon & Schuster, 1987.