ProBLEN EstroPro

Homeopathic EstroPro

Safe and Effective Homeopathic Hormone Therapy

Previously called Estrogen & Progesterone this time-tested homeopathic age defying restorative is designed to treat the symptoms associated with low female hormones.

It is formulated to safely and naturally improve and balance the estrogens and progesterone and to address the symptoms related to menopause and/or imbalanced female hormones.

Our previous version, called "Female Balance" relieved women's symptoms for years. This latest formula has been shown to be even better in the several years of its availability.

Female Hormones Are Important Throughout Life!

Recent studies have shown that female hormone production can be decreased by as much as 90% during menopause.

The effects of decreased estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone production may cause a variety of physical discomforts and may cause increased health risks. These may include:

A decrease in lean muscle and muscle strength
A decrease in bone density
An increase in hot flashes and sweating
Mood swings
Increased risk of heart disease
Increased risk of colon cancer
Decreased sexual vigor
Decreased libido
Difficulty reaching orgasm
Vaginal dryness

Options For Restoring Your Female Hormones

Prescription man-made hormone-like drugs such as Premarin (made from horse urine) and Provera (a man-made progestin) may improve some of the symptoms mentioned above, but they may also cause serious adverse effects such as:

An increase in the risk of heart attack and blood clots
An increase in cholesterol
An increase in blood pressure
An increase in the risk of breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer.

Bioidentical hormone replacement is much safer than the man-made drugs mentioned above because they are identical in structure to the hormones naturally made by the body. However, they too carry some risks, mostly caused by taking too much of the specific hormone, taking too much at one time, or due to the imbalance of the three gonadal hormones.

Why Choose Homeopathic EstroPro?

As early as the age of 30 the production of these hormones begin to decline. As with other hormones, production decreases more rapidly with age.

Because the body relies on these hormones for good health anti-aging medicine now believes that restoration and balance is the key for women who want to keep their quality of life.

Although some women may require full replacement of estrogen and progesterone at some point why begin that therapy now if it is not required?

Once a full hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is started it is meant to be taken for life because it decreases or can even shut down the body's own production of those hormones.

Our homeopathic product will not shut down your own production of estrogen and progesterone but instead focuses on improving your own production.

Basically our product is formulated to provide you with estradiol, estriol, and progesterone in homeopathic form and also help to increase your own production and utilization of these important hormones.

By stimulating the body's own healing powers this product is designed to help re-balance the gonadal hormones to each woman's optimal level.

EstroPro has the added advantage of using bioidentical estradiol, estriol, and progesterone that are homeopathic, which means there is no risk of toxicity or the side effects that may be associated with replacement of these hormones via HRT (hormone replacement therapy).

U.S. Pharmaceutical Grade Homeopathic Ingredients

Bioidentical Estradiol (made from wild Mexican yam, not soy): 9C
Bioidentical Estriol (made from wild Mexican yam, not soy): 9C
Bioidentical Progesterone (made from wild Mexican yam, not soy): 6X
Folliculinum: 9C
Oophorinum(Ovarinum): 30C
Angelica Sinensis (Dong Quai): 3X
Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh): 3X
Agnus Castus (Chase Tree): 3X
Glycyrrhiza Glabra: 3X
Galium Aparine: 3X
Apis Mellifica: 6X
Sepia: 30C

Inactive Ingredients: Purified Water 80%, Organic Vegetable Alcohol 20% (to hold potency stable and enhance absorption).

Ingredients are non-GMO and do not contain corn or gluten.

Sublingual Spray. Each bottle is a 30 day supply.

FDA NDC #43853-0038-1

Dosage Instructions

Blank Progress Form to Print and Use

More Information About Ingredients

Estradiol (Bioidentical) - Plays an important role in brain function, helps maintain bone health, contributes to the elasticity and moisture of the skin and mucous membranes, helps to maintain healthy bladder function, treats hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
Estriol (Bioidentical) - A weaker form of estrogen that can bind to cell receptors thereby helping to protect the breasts and other estrogen-rich tissues by blocking cancer cell proliferation. Helps in the relief of menopausal symptoms.
Progesterone (Bioidentical) - Needed by brain cells to function properly, works with estrogen to balance the menstrual cycle and the health of the reproductive organs. Helps to prevent excessive proliferation of both normal and cancerous breast cells. Helps to relieve PMS and menopausal hot flashes and sweating. Promotes quality sleep and helps to relieve nervousness, anxiety, and depression.
Oophorinum (Ovarinum) - For menopausal hormone deficiencies characterized by imbalanced levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Folliculinum - A homeopathic remedy that affects the female hormonal system. Used to treat a wide variety of PMS and menopausal symptoms.
Angelica Sinensis (Dong Quai) - For pre-menstrual discomforts and symptoms related to menopause.
Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Snake Root) - For night sweats and feelings of nervousness.
Agnus Castus (Chaste Tree) - For improved sexual vitality; eases mental depression and nervousness.
Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice Root) - Produces mild estrogenic effects, and is useful in treating symptoms of menopause, regulating menstruation, and relieving menstrual cramps.
Galium Aparine (Goose-Grass) - Acts on the urinary organs as a diuretic.
Apis Mellifica - Acts as a diuretic to reduce excess water retention and to promote optimal kidney function.
Sepia (Cuttlefish Ink) - For oversensitivity in the pelvic organs, vaginal dryness, hot flashes and headaches, as well as indifference towards loved ones.

100% Guarantee!

ProBLEN EstroPro

Questions and Answers

What is the source of estrogen and progesterone in ProBLEN EstroPro?

The estradiol, estriol, and progesterone are bioidentical and are sourced from the wild Mexican yam.

Is ProBLEN EstroPro safe?

We know that improving and balancing the female hormones is very important to women's health, however there are many women who do not take any form of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) due to the concern, with good cause, about the negative publicity related to synthetic estrogen products such as Premarin and the synthetic progestins.

Our product contains bioidentical estradiol, estriol, and progesterone in homeopathic form. Bioidentical hormones are the exact same as those made by the body and so does not carry the same risks as the patented synthetic estrogens and progestins.

Also, because our product contains the bioidentical hormones in homeopathic form it does not provide all the estradiol, estriol, and progesterone the body needs. It provides a small amount of each hormone's energies and also works with the body to help it optimize and balance its own release of these hormones. For more information about the benefits and risks of estrogen and progesterone therapy please scroll below to the link under Additional Reading.

Could my weight gain have something to do with female hormones?

The female hormones play a major role in determining the placement of fat in the body and it seems that decreasing hormones such as thyroid, HGH, DHEA, and testosterone, and an increase in cortisol all play a role in the increase of fat as we age.

Also, it is known that men and women have different problem fat areas and the problem areas have different types of fat.

The problem area for men is usually the mid section. They gain fat in that area easily, however, because the fat is subcutaneous they can lose it fairly easily by exercising and improving their diet.

Women, on the other hand frequently have problems with fat in their hips and thighs. This is a fat that does not have as much enzyme action as subcutaneous fat and this causes it to be harder to get rid of.

Of course diet plays a major role in the fat our body stores. Concerning eating at night, it is generally recommended we not eat late at night. It is generally recommended that we not eat for at least 4 hours before bedtime.

Other reasons for increased fat, especially in the abdominal area are high cortisol levels and insulin resistance.

Can ProBLEN EstroPro help with menopause and endometriosis?

We have heard many positive reports from menopausal women who have seen their hormone levels improve and their symptoms subside.

Concerning endometriosis, since it may be related to low progesterone, and our product should help to improve progesterone, it may be helpful. However, I must mention that women with endometriosis may also have estrogen dominance. Since our product also contains homeopathic bioidentical estradiol and estriol I would not recommend our product to women who are estrogen dominant due to the estrogens it contains.

*If you can't find the answer to your questions please scroll up to the top menu and click on "Customer Service" and send in your questions. I will do my best to answer them for you.

Additional Reading

Important Hormones That Decrease With Age

Can Women Receive Estrogen and Progesterone Benefits Without the Risks?

Are Low Hormones Affecting Your Health and Lifestyle? The Issue of Hormones in Modern Medicine


Bell IR, Koithan M. A model for homeopathic remedy effects: low dose nanoparticles, allostatic cross-adaptation, and time-dependent sensitization in a complex adaptive system. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Oct 22;12:191. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-191. PMID: 23088629; PMCID: PMC3570304

Guedes JRP, Bonamin LV, Capelozzi VL. Water-Related Mechanisms Proposed for Storing and Transmitting Homeopathic Information: Putative Links with Biological Responses. Homeopathy. 2018 Aug;107(3):172-180. doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1642055. Epub 2018 May 16. PMID: 29768636

Jürgen Clausen, Sian Moss, Alexander Tournier, Rainer Lüdtke, Henning Albrecht, CORE-Hom: A Powerful and Exhaustive Database of Clinical Trials in Homeopathy, Homeopathy, Volume 103, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 219-223, ISSN 1475-4916, doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2014.07.001