Aging Women Need Hormone Therapy Without The Risks

By Lisa Wells, RN

Female Hormones Benefits and Risks

For many years we have been aware of the aging effects of decreasing hormones, especially the hormones estrogen and progesterone in females.

For instance, we know that estrogen deficiency can cause:

memory loss
increased risk of Alzheimer's disease
reduced feeling of well-being
cardiovascular issues
accelerated bone loss
increased risk of colon cancer
loss of skin firmness and elasticity
dry skin and mucous membranes, including eyes, nasal passages, vagina
genital atrophy and reduced sex drive
hair loss, and more!

Progesterone is also very important to women throughout their life because it helps to:

balance estrogen
protect the breasts and uterus from fibroids and cancer
preserve bone density
support brain cells
protect the brain from the effects of aging
protect nerve cells
relieve depression
improve sleep

Progesterone acts in the brain in a number of ways. It promotes energy production in brain cells and protects against nerve cell damage and brain aging.

Some doctors use bioidentical progesterone to treat uterine and ovarian issues such as painful menstruation, endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts.

Progesterone is also very good at helping to relieve depression, and it plays a role in healthy sleep. Many times when women who have had problems sleeping improve their progesterone to a more healthy level they sleep better.

So What Options Do Women Have?

It is true that restoring declining hormones can provide significant benefits to health and can delay the effects of aging but the question arises, how should those hormones be increased?

When Wyeth Pharmaceutical introduced their horse urine estrogen drug called Premarin (PREgnant MARe urINe) over 50 years ago they marketed it to women as the sexy drug, where women could regain some of their more youthful physical attributes and their libido. Unfortunately, horse and human estrogens are not the same and so the side effects and risk factors can be very serious.

To address declining progesterone levels in women Pfizer Pharmaceutical manufactured the drug called Provera, which is not the same as human progesterone and so it is classified as a "progestin" instead of progesterone. It also carries significant risk factors.

In my opinion, as well as the opinion of numerous other health professionals, the drugs Premarin and Provera, along with their counterparts, variations, and combinations are the most high risk way to treat low estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Thankfully bioidentical estrogen (estriol, estradiol), progesterone, and testosterone are now available through compounding pharmacies. They are considered by many health professionals to be the safest type of prescription hormone replacement therapy because they are identical in structure to what the human body makes, however they too have risk factors. It appears that most side effects and/or risks from bioidentical HRT are due to the patient receiving too much or when the hormones are not balanced.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) means that all of the patient's hormone will come from an outside source. Because taking a hormone replacement dose of any hormone can shut down the body's own production of that hormone, HRT is usually meant to be taken for life. So, besides the risk factors related to taking any HRT the person should ask themselves if they are prepared to take that therapy for the rest of their life.

For women who need complete hormone replacement therapy (HRT) I recommend only bioidentical hormones, however, a qualified doctor needs to prescribe them and monitor the patient closely. Even though bioidentical hormones are much safer than the synthetic estrogens and progestins made by drug companies some women had rather not take any full hormone replacement therapy unless it is absolutely necessary.

Many women instead prefer to take bioidentical hormones in homeopathic form, because homeopathics work with the body and will not shut down their own production of hormones. Such products can provide benefits and they are considered much safer than full hormone replacement.

Our own FDA registered EstroPro supplement contains bioidentical hormones in homeopathic form only. It does not give the body a full dose of estradiol, estriol, or progesterone but instead provides only the electromagnetic energies of those hormones. Our product also works with the body to help it make more of its own hormones.

In my opinion taking bioidentical hormones in homeopathic form is the safest way to enjoy the benefits of healthy hormone levels.

Of course homeopathic hormones will not work for all women, however, their effectiveness can be easily measured by lab tests and by the improvement of symptoms.

For women who are suffering with the effects of decreasing female hormones it is best to educate yourself before you see your doctor. Then you can work together to determine which therapy should be best for you.

Related Reading

Our Rights to Bioidentical Hormones Threatened!

How HGH May Affect Menopause

Hormones That Decrease With Age and Your Options

More Health Articles by Lisa Wells, RN

For more information about our homeopathic supplement please click below.

ProBLEN EstroPro


Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. Risks and Benefits of Estrogen Plus Progestin in Healthy Postmenopausal Women: Principal Results From the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA. 2002;288(3):321-333. doi:10.1001/jama.288.3.321

PLEASE NOTE: The information provided is not meant to be medical advice. Please consult your private healthcare provider.