ProBLEN LibidoPro

Restore Desire and Vitality Safely!
ProBLEN LibidoPro is a time-tested product which has been used successfully for years.
It is an advanced homeopathic restorative specially formulated to help the body improve libido and restore function in both men and women safely and effectively.
It is formulated with homeopathic bioidentical testosterone as well as certain glandulars and botanicals.
Unlike prescribed medications this product works naturally with the body to help relieve the symptoms of low physical energy.
It may also be a natural alternative to medications that are prescribed for erectile dysfunction.
Since the testosterone in this supplement is in homeopathic form it does not carry the possible side effects or risks that may be seen with prescription drugs.
Common Symptoms of Decreased Libido
In Men
The drive to have physical relations is usually slower to be affected by age in males than in females. However, low testosterone, stress, health conditions, and certain medications can lower libido and decrease function in men. This means it may take more time to respond and may become more difficult to reach satisfaction.
In Women
There may be less interest in physical relations. It may take longer to respond. The skin may be more sensitive and easily irritated when caressed. Relations may become painful due to the thinning of the vaginal walls. It may become more difficult to achieve satisfaction than it was in the past.
U.S. Pharmaceutical Grade Homeopathic Ingredients
Bioidentical Testosterone (made from wild Mexican yam, not soy): 30X
Orchitinum: 6X
Phosphoricum Ac: 200C
Nuphar Luteum: 2X
Korean Ginseng: 1X
Populus Tremuloides: 3X
Liver Extract: 6X
Pituitary Extract: 12X
Suprarenal Substance: 12X
Damiana: 3X
Galium: 3X
Inactive Ingredients: Purified Water 80%, Organic Vegetable Alcohol 20% (to hold potency stable and enhance absorption).
Ingredients are non-GMO and do not contain corn or gluten.
Sublingual Spray. Each bottle is a 30 day supply.
FDA NDC #43853-0037-1 - No prescription required in U.S.
The Therapeutic Benefits of LibidoPro's Ingredients
The benefits described below are from clinical evidence reported in the major homeopathic materia medicas accepted throughout the world.
Testosterone (Bioidentical) - An important hormone in both men and women. It plays a major role in drive and stamina and has other important functions in the body. It decreases with age.
Orchitinum - Treats male impotence and states of exhaustion, raises the level of vitality, has a general regenerative effect. Is used for weakness, senility, and debility, supports testosterone production.
Phosphoricum Acidum - Is used for symptoms such as premature ejaculation, decreased sensitivity in the penis, pain in the testes, and reduced libido.
Nuphar Luteum - Is used for poor erections and decreased desire, is recommended for its general aphrodisiac properties.
Korean Ginseng - Helps excite the genital organs. Imparts a joyous sense of vigor and helps to clear the mind.
Populus Tremuloides - Is used for prostate health and to treat prostate hypertrophy, also used for discomfort in the urethra and bladder.
Damiana - Is used for impotency and anxiety towards relations.
Liver Extract - Is used to treat tiredness. Helps with the synthesis of IGF-I, an important anti-aging peptide that declines with age.
Pituitary Extract - Is used for hormonal balance, sterility and weakness. Helps stimulate the endocrine glands.
Suprarenal Substance - Is used for sterility, weakness. Supports secretion of DHEA.
Galium Aparine - Is used for healthy bladder function and is a good protector against abnormal cell growth.
Jürgen Clausen, Sian Moss, Alexander Tournier, Rainer Lüdtke, Henning Albrecht, CORE-Hom: A Powerful and Exhaustive Database of Clinical Trials in Homeopathy, Homeopathy, Volume 103, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 219-223, ISSN 1475-4916, doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2014.07.001
Bell IR, Koithan M. A model for homeopathic remedy effects: low dose nanoparticles, allostatic cross-adaptation, and time-dependent sensitization in a complex adaptive system. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Oct 22;12:191. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-191. PMID: 23088629; PMCID: PMC3570304
Guedes JRP, Bonamin LV, Capelozzi VL. Water-Related Mechanisms Proposed for Storing and Transmitting Homeopathic Information: Putative Links with Biological Responses. Homeopathy. 2018 Aug;107(3):172-180. doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1642055. Epub 2018 May 16. PMID: 29768636