About HGH Patches
By Lisa Wells, RN
There are transdermal HGH skin patches on the market which are claimed to increase growth hormone in the body. These products do not require a prescription. They may contain amino acids, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and/or homeopathic HGH. Some may even claim that the growth hormone in their patch is not homeopathic but is the same as the injections. This is not true due to the fact that growth hormone cannot be absorbed through the skin unless it has gone through the homeopathic process.
The sellers may claim their product is better than the sublingual (under the tongue) sprays, and they say patches are much more convenient to take than sprays. Patches may be more convenient but they are not better than legitimate FDA registered homeopathic sprays.
The Problem With HGH Patches
Legitimate medical patches are used as a way to provide a constant and steady flow of a medication over a period of time. The pituitary gland naturally releases human growth hormone in small spurts at various times throughout the day as needed, it does not release it constantly.
The pituitary gland spurts the HGH into the bloodstream and then it is quickly taken in by the liver. This causes the liver to release growth factors such as IGF-1. Giving the pituitary gland constant stimulation to release human growth hormone goes against the body's natural processes.
The body uses cycles. It has a certain time to release growth hormone, a certain time to work with the growth hormone, and a certain time to rest. For these reasons wearing a patch that constantly stimulates the pituitary gland or constantly delivers HGH would not be the best choice.
We need to observe the body's natural feedback mechanism. The cell receptor sites need time to rest, they should not be forced to remain at a constant state of stimulation, which could occur by wearing a patch if it was actually effective. I reiterate that patches are intended to provide a constant flow of the ingredients while it is worn.
Why HGH Sprays Are Better
Our sublingual products are cycled, and we also recommend they be taken around the times the pituitary gland is known to naturally release and work with growth hormone, such as with exercise or strenuous activity and at the beginning of deep slow-wave sleep.
The best therapy is that which is the most similar to what the body does naturally so I see no medical reason why any type of patch would be better than sublingual sprays that are taken at various times to align with the body's natural time of growth hormone release and use.
In my opinion the sublingual route is also better than any topical route because the mucous membrane under the tongue is very thin and blood rich so the ingredients enter the bloodstream more quickly and completely. The main purpose of the skin on the body is to keep things out and to protect what is underneath it.